First day in class and I've already made a friend or two. That's always exciting! I'm also starting to think in German again, which is always good when you're in Germany!
I've made another new friend and he's from Washington DC. Not the diversity I was looking for, but heck. He's super neat! There was a lot of "Do you understand what I'm saying or do I have to say it in English?" today. All in all not too bad. It came in really handy that I have a German last name though. The teacher called me up to the front because I wasn't on the roster (ugh) and she asked me my name. Mind you, I came up right after two Israelites. I told her my first name and she nodded, saying she could spell that herself. Then I told her my last name and she was happy she could spell that too! Then she asked if my family was from Byern (southern Germany). All records I've found point to northern Germany, but I guess dad's side is more southern than I realized.
This morning I woke up to a REALLY impressive fog bank. I couldn't see the ground from my window (I live on the 4th floor) because the fog was so thick. It was a little scary riding through the fog on my bike because drivers here (in cars and on bikes) are crazy. Once I got into class, however; the fog burned off and the sun shone with brilliance all day! Nary a cloud to be seen in the blue sky.
People here say that isn't normal and I should enjoy it while it lasts. Mom remembers a joke from when she went to England; whenever the sun came out everyone would yell "SUN BREAK! STRIP!" Well, I didn't strip, but I spent as much time in the sun as I could.

Also, I went to the store again today and got some of the best chips I've ever had. Have you ever had paprika chips? They have to be come of the best things ever. Seriously. I bought a bag as well as some good spaghetti and brussel sprouts. So be honest, I've never bought for myself like this before, so I have no idea how to make a square meal or a shopping list much less in a foreign country.

If you guys have any tips on that, I would be all ears. Otherwise, try paprika chips if you ever get the chance and don't blame me if you get addicted....
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