Monday, May 13, 2013

Erster Mai

In Germany, the first of May is a holiday where everyone goes out to a park and grills and has a good time in
the sun. The Americans didn't get this memo. The memo we got simply stated we didn't have school that Wednesday. Instead of being like regular Germans and just go to the park to celebrate their Labor Day, our group decided it wanted to class things up. Because....why not?
We buffed out shoes (oh yeah, speaking of shoes....never wear high heals around cobblestones. Blake had to nicely un-wedge my heal from between two stones at one point) aired out the jackets and donned the skirts to try and be as fancy as we could.

We went to a nice place to eat in die Innenstadt.

I hope at this point in my blog/facebook updates you understand when I type out "die" I'm not requesting you to kick the bucket but am referring the feminine German article. 

At dinner we had very few mishaps during the ordering section. I guess I don't know how to say "Berliner weisse" yet....working on that. Speaking of that drink, it's a very interesting concoction I found in Berlin. The drink is comprised of a beer that's so light and tasteless that they add a shot of flavoring. You can add either
 raspberry (which makes the red drink I had in Berlin) or "waldmeister" which translates into "forest master". We don't have that flavor in the US so the translation sounds odd.

But never fear!

That's what I'm here for.

Für deutsche Dinge erklären!
(Okay, so that might not be right)

If you ever go to Germany (mostly northern Germany) and order a green Berliner Weisse you will get a slightly alcoholic drink that tastes like those
watermelon Jolly Ranchers back home. Not bad, but not a beer. Also, the come in these rather large (in diameter) glasses that make you feel like you're drinking a magical potion.

*Insert evil witch cackle here*

It's really helpful having our token German in the group, but she's the worst of all of us when it comes to actually speaking German.
That night every time Rebecca started talking in English again, Blake would just lean over and say "Wie bitte?" which pretty much translates to "Huh? Say that again?" until she spoke in German.

It was quite a fun night, especially when Anne happily (in a very evil manner) ate the smiley face off the top of her coffee foam.

And this is why we love her!

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